Have you ever wondered how to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram? Or what happens when you get blocked? If you think you’ve been blocked on Instagram, don’t take it personally. The option to block certain users is a simple privacy feature that can be used by anyone, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve made a new enemy.
How to know if someone blocked you on Instagram? While the process isn’t totally straightforward, there are a few ways to tell if it’s happened to you.
How to tell if someone blocked you on Instagram
If you suddenly stop seeing someone’s posts and Stories on Instagram, you may jump to the conclusion that the user has decided to block you from viewing their content. While that may be the case, it’s also possible that they’ve just stopped posting or even deleted their account. Here are a few ways to tell if you’ve been blocked on Instagram:
- An account that has blocked you will not show up when you use the search bar to search for it.
- If you do manage to navigate to their profile page, you won’t be able to see posts from the account that has blocked you. Instead of a grid of posts, you will see the message “No Posts Yet,” even though you can clearly see the number of posts that they have in their account.
- Likes and comments from the account that blocked you will disappear from all of your posts.
- You will no longer be able to send DMs to or receive DMs from the account that has blocked you.

Did they delete their Instagram or block me?
There are times when you may believe that someone blocked you on Instagram, but in reality, the account has been deactivated or deleted. So how can you tell the difference?
Simple! A deactivated or deleted Instagram account will not show up in search results, and if you attempt to visit the profile via its URL, you will receive an error message. This is a sure sign that the account no longer exists.
Remember, accounts that have blocked you are still there; the profile page will say “No Posts Yet,” despite their post count still being visible at the top of the screen. Deleted accounts, meanwhile, simply disappear from Instagram.
But, if you’re also experiencing unusual things like those with other Instagram accounts, it might be that Instagram is not working or lagging.

What apps show you who has blocked you on Instagram?
If you’re really concerned about knowing who has blocked you on Instagram and don’t want to do the sleuthing yourself, you can use a third-party app to find the information you’re after.
A word of caution: Although Instagram does work with third-party apps to allow people to schedule posts and Stories, there is no Instagram-approved app for identifying users who have blocked you. Thus, use the following apps at your own risk:
- Sarman – Instagram Tracker: This app allows you to see who has blocked you on Instagram, as well as who has viewed your profile, the top viewers of your Stories, and users that don’t follow you back.
- Profile+ Reports & Insights: Not only can you keep track of blockers and unfollowers with this app, but it also allows you to discover detailed statistics about other accounts. The app is free to use for basic statistics.

Can you see a list of who has blocked you on Instagram?
Without the use of a third-party app, discovering who has blocked you will require some investigation. That’s because there is no readily available list of accounts that have blocked you. This is because Instagram wants to make it easy to privately block accounts.
The apps listed in the previous section will make finding out who has blocked you on Instagram easier. That is, if you are willing to pay for the premium services and risk violating Instagram’s terms of service, that is.
What happens when you get blocked?
So, you’ve done some sleuthing and found out that someone blocked you on Instagram. What should you do next? Honestly, we’d recommend forgetting about it and moving on. But if you still have questions, we’ve got answers.
Yes. You will be able to see the profile of the person who blocked you, but you will not be able to see their posts. Instead, you will see a message that says, “No Posts Yet.”
You can send messages to someone who has blocked you on Instagram, but they won’t be received. The whole point of the blocking feature is to eliminate communication between the person doing the blocking and the one being blocked.
Instagram will not deliver any messages from a blocked account to the account that did the blocking. Even if that account unblocks you in the future, messages sent while the block was in place will never be received.
Blocking on Instagram is a privacy and safety feature designed to protect users from content and accounts they don’t want to see. Anyone can block anyone for any reason. Even if you discover that someone blocked you, you still won’t be able to do anything about it. Your best course of action is to let it go and move on. Also, check out our post about Shadowban on Instagram and learn more about how to know if you’re shadowbanned and what to do with it.